Archival Digitization

Early-20th-Century Bilingual Digital Recipe Book

This project focuses on creating a bilingual digital adaptation of La cocina española antigua (Emilia Pardo Bazán, 1920), making archival culinary texts accessible in both Spanish and English (SPN3500 Peoples and Cultures of Spain, ongoing)

The “Zoot Suit” Project

The project “Zoot Suit”, carried out in an online course (SPN3991 Spanish and the Internet), explores the role of yellow-journalism practices from local newspapers of Los Angeles in exacerbating ethnic tensions and inciting riots after “The Sleepy Lagoon Case”. The “Sleepy Lagoon Case” (“People versus Zamora et al”) was one of the major civil rights cases of the 1940s that preceded the so-called “Zoot Suit Riots”, a series of violent clashes between mobs of U.S. servicemen and young Latinos as well as other minorities in Los Angeles in June of 1943. The students examine and classify archival materials from the local newspapers “La Opinión”, “Los Angeles Times”, “California Eagle”, “East Side Journal”, and from the Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee Records (1942-1945); their work will be the foundation of a bilingual database using Omeka on the Los Angeles Riots and their findings will also be published in Scalar, a platform that promotes collaborations between archives, presses, and scholars.

Presentations and Funding

Lynne Hemmingway. “Creating a Bilingual Digital Recipe Book with La cocina española antigua” UNF Digital Project Showcase, University of North Florida, November 15-19, 2021. Faculty mentor: Dr. María Ángeles Fernández Cifuentes.